Faculty Development Programme

31st October 2013

Faculty Development Programme

IQAC of ANJAC organised a Faculty Development Programme for the staff members on 30th October 2013, Wednesday. In the modern context problems erupt from students in all possible ways. The contemporary status and behaviour of students with teachers and their friends is quite strange and rude at times. In order to make the staff members be aware of the nuances in handling students who are highly pampered at home, this counselling programme was arranged for the staff members to be good counsellors. In the morning session Dr.V.Pandiarajan, Dean, IQAC, welcomed the gathering. Dr.S.Baskaran, Principal, delivered his Presidential Address. Dr.V.Ramasubramanian, Executive Member, IQAC, introduced the renowned psychiatrist, Dr.C.Ramasubramanian. Dr.C.Ramasubramanian, Founder M.S.Chellamuthu Trust and research Foundation, Madurai emphasised the teachers to create positive vibrations within themselves to create positive impact on students. He also stated that stress of a student leads him to distress and ends in disease. So it is the duty of a teacher in identifying the mental illness of a student and counsel him at the right time.

In the afternoon session Dr.L.Isaiarasu introduced the chief guest Dr.K.Karthikeyan, Medical Officer, MSCT & RF. He enlightened the staff members how to promote mental health amidst the stressful life that we all face. He was followed by Dr. K.S.P. Janardhan Babu, Director Programmes, MSCRT & RF. He was introduced by Mr.M.Moovendhan one of the Executive Members of IQAC. He gave some tips to the staff members to reach the path of good mental health. The programme was arranged by Dr.Ezhilarasan, Associate Prof., Dept. of B.B.A, and Mr.M.Rajasekar, Head, Dept. of B.B.A., The dept. of B.B.A., signed MoU with MSCRT & RF. Mrs.B.Rathika, Executive Member of IQAC proposed vote of thanks.

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