AAA college student bags silver medal in TIES 2015 |
17-02-2015 17th February 2015 AAA college student bags silver medal in TIES 2015 Tamil Nadu Inter Engineering Sports (TIES-2015) was organized by Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai from 29th January to 12th February 2015. Sivakasi, AAA College of Engineering and Technology’s team of 35 students actively participated in the tournament, in which Selvan Karthik S of Second Year Mechanical Engineering has secured Second Place and has won SILVER medal in the event Weight Lifting under 85 KG and has secured Third Place and has won BRONZE medal in the event Best Physique under 90 KG class. Mr. M. Kodantha Raman Former Mr.Tamilnadu honored the champ with medal & certificates. Chairman Shri. P. Panjurajan, Secretary Dr. P. Karvannan, Correspondent Dr. P. Ganesan, Joint Secretary Er. K. Vignesh Kumar B.E., MBA (UK), Principal Dr. K. Arulmozhi and faculties cordially eulogizes the champ for bringing successive eminence to the institution. |