Future India - AAACET

Sivakasi, AAA College of Engineering & Technology had organized a special motivational programme “Future India” on 9th September 2017 around 11 a.m. in the college A/C seminar hall. Shree R.Rangaraj Pandey, Chief News Editor,Thanthi Tv was the guest of honor of the programme. Correspondent Dr. P. Ganesan welcomed the gathering.

The chief guest Shree Pandey, in his speech, he advised the students to be aware of their surroundings, what’s happening in the world and they should bear the insults and take it as motivation and work towards their goals. He also insisted the students to have a thorough knowledge in their domain and upgrade themselves in recent technology to excel in life. “Students should develop their entrepreneurial skills”, he added. There was a question and answer session by the students followed by his speech.

All facilities for the programme were well arranged in a grandeur manner by Chairman Shri. P. Panjurajan, Secretary Dr.P.Karvannan, Correspondent Dr. P. Ganesan, Joint Secretary Er. K. Vignesh Kumar B.E., MBA (UK), Principal Dr. K. Arulmozhi and the AAA Family members.

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