Phoenix Club of the Department of English (PG) - ANJAC

Phoenix Club of the Department of English (PG) - ANJAC

The Phoenix Club of the Department of English (PG), Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi, invited Mr. K.Sivaramakrishnan, Asst. Professor of English, Rani Anna Govt. Arts College, Tirunelveli, on 09.10.2020 via online. In his keynote address on “Criticism- An overview”, he evaluated and analyzed the works from classical literature to the contemporary literature. He asserted that rejecting literary criticism partially or totally is itself an act of criticism. He highlighted the importance of criticism to the students of literature which will be helpful for developing interpretation in literature. 47students attended the programme and interacted with the resource person. In her presidential address, Mrs.B.Tamilselvi, Asst. Professor, Department of English (PG), highlighted the importance of learning criticism. Earlier, the gathering was welcomed by Mr. P. K. Santhosh Raja, II M.A. English. Ms R. Sarasmalika, I M.A. English, the Joint Secretary of the Association, proposed vote of thanks. Ms S.Gurupriya and Ms ED. Punithajothi emceeyed the programme.

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