Moderate rain in Sivakasi

Moderate rain in Sivakasi

On 24th March 2022, Thursday, Sivakasi town receives moderate rainfall between 06:30 p.m. and 07:15 p.m., accompanied by strong wind and thunders. The drains were overflowed and the roads remained flooded for some hours. Rainy onslaughts leave several roads damaged, in Sivakasi. Several low-lying areas in the town were inundated after the incessant heavy rain. The downpour brought cheers for Sivakasians. Rain water harvesting systems, installed in buildings, received copious amount of water. Rain brings smile in the face of Sivakasians. The recent two spells of rain will help the Sivakasians to tackle water problem for a week. For the next one weekl sky will be partly cloudy with slim possibilities for rain, with average maximum and minimum temperature of 38 and 26 degree celsius respectively.

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